Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Busy Weekend!

My Mom and newphew came down from PA to visit and go to Sea World this past weekend and we had a great time. It started out a little rough... Aimee was just getting over a cold and I caught it, and at softball practice I pulled my back out of place. The next day it hurt so bad I couldn't move, literally! A few chiropractor visits later I was limping around at Sea World, a feat I thought impossible just hours earlier. Praise God! It's hard to believe how much better my back feels just a few days later.

Aimee also had a second ultrasound on Monday, in an effort to calculate our baby's due date with a little more accuracy. Here are the pictures -- click to see an enlarged version!

The picture on the left is the baby's face and belly, and the picture on the right is the baby's butt and little legs and feet! We also got to hear the heartbeat and I'm happy to report it was nice and strong. As for the due date, the new estimate was technically January 6, but since it was so close they are just keeping it at January 9. But we all know the baby is gonna come out when its ready anyway!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Sedgwick Family Reunion - Aimee Sick Again!

Aimee's Dad's side of the family held a family reunion in Liberty, MO (about 45 minutes from Kansas City) this past weekend. It was nice to have a few days off work to relax. We shot some pool (the women in Missouri can do that, no coaching needed) met some relatives and had a good time. The midwest is different for sure. Blue Springs, Aimee's Dad's hometown, reminded me a lot of Berwick, my hometown. There are open fields, people have yards, and in general you just feel like you have some elbow room.

Unfortunately we were only there about a day when Aimee started coming down with something. Not getting enough sleep and taking a few plane flights likely was the culprit. Pray for her health, as well as the baby's -- also pray that she doesn't need to take any more vacation time at work, she's running low!

Monday, June 4, 2007

Snacks Galore

Aside from insurance-related costs, I think the biggest unexpected expense is in the category of snacks and extra food in general. Aimee is learning that the only way to keep her morning sickness at bay is to basically keep eating. I make her stop to breathe, of course. Needless to say the grocery list is longer, and it takes a bit longer to pack lunch in the morning. Extra granola bars, apples, bananas, oranges, bagels with cream cheese, yogurt, peanut butter crackers, you name it. It's no wonder that sometimes they say Daddy can gain as much weight as Mommy with all these snacks laying around!

Also there can be no more extended periods of time between the end of the work day and dinner, which we'll have to work out before softball season with the company league. She won't be playing this season of course (she was the star first-baseman the last two seasons!) but I'll be playing, so we'll have to get some food somewhere between 5:30 and game time!