Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Card from Poppop

Potty Progress

Well we have been trying to gently coax Eva into going on the potty. My mom got some M&Ms for us to reward her with - hey I'm cool with bribery. She was resistant at first, then she started at least telling me that she was going, and now we have blog worthy news.

Last night when Justin got her out of the bath he asked her if she wanted to go, but she said no. So he had her just sit and asked her to try. He turned around to give her privacy and she instantly started going! They had quite a celebration! M&M's, music and dancing. Today I wasn't have much luck but just a bit ago I was taking her into her room for nap when she started to point to her potty and ask for it. I was reluctant because I hadn't had any success all morning so I said, "Do you have to go potty?". And she actually - for once said, "Yeah." So I did what Justin did and she went! We had a celebration too. She was so proud, she kept going back over and looking at the potty with a giggle saying, "see look!"

Daddy Night

Usually when Justin and I go out with friends during the week we both put Eva to bed and the one of us goes out. We both love being there when she goes to bed and taking part in the bedtime routine.

Now that Justin is back at work after vacation Eva has been missing Justin like crazy. So last night we had dinner together and then I headed out.

Well Daddy and Eva had a great time! Justin was so happy to have time with Eva and she with him. They went for a walk, bath time, dance time... Justin was so pleased and seemed to have treasured that time with her. I wasn't missed and I can honestly say I am glad :).

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Baby #2 Update

We got our 20 week ultrasound for baby #2 this past Tuesday and we found out the gender. It's a girl! You can see pictures of the ultrasound here


Dr. Appt - 18 Months (3 mo late)

Well we took Eva to the pediatrician for a check up on Thursday. Upon hearing Eva talk and seeing that she knows almost all her colors, shapes and can count to 10 the doctor was very impressed by her. He said that she is reaching 3 year old milestones. He encouraged us to start teaching her to read! He said that when his son was 6 years old he read and comprehended the Chronicles of Narnia. It was very exciting.

She received two shots, HIB and Hepatitis A. She freaked out but as soon as the nurse mentioned a sticker she was fully recovered :).

Age 21 months
Date 10/22/09
Weight 22 1/2 pounds
Length 31 1/4 in.
Head 18 in

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Bubbles and Floss!

Eva blew bubbles for the first time on her own! Very exciting.

Last night we had steak and I had to floss Eva's teeth for the first time! In three of her teeth huge chunks. But it was fun and she actually enjoyed it. She even did a little herself.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Gracie Visit!

Justin's Mom and her friend Ray are in town! We have been doing lots of fun things together lately. Check it out.

At the pool

Busch Wildlife

Yay Daddy got to come with us

Three's company too
River Center Touch Tank
Sea Cucumber
Sea Urchin
Pencil Urchin
Sea Star
Snail coming out a little and adjusting for a more comfortable position
Checking out some empty shells, Eva said, "All gone"

Pumpkin Patch

Getting ready for Halloween!

Saying hi to a stranger
Itsy bitsy spider

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Eva Praying

Tonight Eva did something very special. She loves to play by the stairs but tonight Justin and I looked over and she was on her knees with her hands clasped, elbows on the first step and her head bowed. We did not teach her this. We pray before meals and when I pray with her I set her on my lap. She got up, quickly came to me and reached her hand out and said, "Mommy pray". I followed her and we did. Then she did the same for daddy. We all got on our knees on either side of her, prayed together as a family for the first time like that. She was beaming. My friend said that maybe angels were talking to her. I don't doubt it.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

River Center Story Time

Eva and checked out a new story time. I am not a huge story time mommy, but the ones that feature real animals definitely are worth going to! WE went to the River Center today and Eva got to pet several animals: two conchs in their shells, a sea urchin, a pencil urchin and a sea cucumber (feels like a pickle!). I don't know about Eva but I am excited about being able to see so many animals up close. I took a few pictures

a sea urchin

a pencil urchin
a sea cucumber

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Busch Wile Life

Today we went to story time there again. Eva got to pet a skunk and they brought out babies for us to look at. We saw two baby barn owls and a 2 month old possum. The barn owls don't "hoo" they make a screeching/hissing sound.

Eva and I walked around and saw so many animals up close. It was feeding time so many of them were looking out for their caretaker.

Barn OWl

