Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Memories

Eva has an easy going spirit.  She is generally content and amiable.  Today I sat her on the bathroom counter and brushed her hair with "Mama's brush".  She looked perfectly content, she didn't try to grab at it, she just let me do it and looked up at me so sweetly.

She is starting to laugh more and get some tickle spots.  She is making more sounds too.  She is trying to get our attention in new ways.  She grunted for me, I didn't realize it and then she cocked her head to the side, stared me down and grunted again.  Once I looked at her she was happy.  Yesterday Justin gave Eva a kiss while she was eating and she got goose bumps.  We thought it was a fluke so he did it again anPublish Postd the goose bumps came back - three times he kissed her and each time she got goose bumps.

Tonight we met up with some friends for mini-golf.  Eva had so much fun watching the colorful balls roll around, riding up the green hills and seeing new faces.  Our friend Scott got a couple of really cute pictures of her, I will put them up once he sends them to us.

Friday, August 29, 2008

Development Milestones and Updates

08/24/08 - Pulled herself into a standing position  
08/26/08 - Walks when we stand her up and hold her by the hands
- Gave Mama a kiss
- STOOD UP IN CRIB using the bumper and crib rail for assistance
-Pincer grasp (grabbed with thumb and index finger)

New Foods 
- Butternut Squash (she loves this)
- Peas

All she wants to do is be able to get herself into a standing position.  It is her all consuming passion.  She just isn't interested in toys like she use to be.  An occasional chew toy is nice though.  She got herself into a standing position in her crib this afternoon, she was so proud of herself and rightfully so.  Here are some fun recent pictures.  Enjoy!

Eva on knees in crib

Eva standing in her crib

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Late Night Musings

Justin here.  I've been trying to get up early for personal time to read, which means I've been trying to get to bed earlier as well.  That said, I'm up later than I should be right now.  

Eva has a cold (again!) so she isn't sleeping very soundly tonight.  When I checked on her she woke up, but she was so tired she just looked at me and closed her eyes again.  She was holding my finger in her hand for a minute, then when I thought she was asleep and went to pull away she grabbed it a little tighter.  That's a good feeling.  

It's the feeling I was hoping for before she was born.  It's the response I foolishly assumed I would get from Eva the moment she was born.  I thought she'd love me automatically - which as a new first time father was about my only comfort!  I suppose she may have loved us, but couldn't really show it.  These past few months as she's grown she's been able to respond to our love more and more and it's been wonderful.  I wouldn't trade it for anything.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Second Beach Day

Entertaining Eva

Friday night we had our friends over for dinner and Eva sat at the table like one of the adults.  It was wonderful to make her a part of it.

Saturday Eva got to play with a little boy who is 6 years old.  She loved to watch all the cool things he could do - go up and down the stairs, blow up a balloon and stack blocks.  She laid on the floor and let Justin give her kiss after kiss, she was just taking it all in.  We took her to Michael's Craft Store and showed her a variety of flowers, let her touch the different types of yarn and explore the posters with us.  She loved the fun fur yarn.  I tickled her skin and she would smile with delight.  She loved all of the different colors. 

Eva's interests are evolving and the same old noises just don't make her excited like they used to.  It made me sad for the past week, not knowing how to make her giggle or smile like before. She wasn't as responsive to me and didn't look me in the eyes like she normally does.  But this weekend it was better.  She was looking into my eyes and laughing.  She was looking at me as if to say, "You make me so happy!"  It was wonderful.

Coolest people you will ever meet.

Monday, August 18, 2008

New News

Yesterday Eva drank from a straw like a pro.  She took a sip, then took a break and then another sip.  She is so smart!

She typically sleeps at least 8 hours a night, but has started to sleep about 10 or 11.  I love the night time feedings because she is so cuddly.  Like a newborn again :).  Last night/early morning I fed her and she fell asleep on me for a little while.  I love that feeling.  It is so precious.

She is scooting around and being more independent.  Even though she is more independent, she still loves to sit on our lap and for us to hold her.  Its a lot of fun to make her apart of everything we do. 

2nd Tooth

We can feel Eva's second tooth.  I will try to get a picture.

Friday, August 15, 2008


Sleepy head - this how she woke up from her morning nap today

Cuddling with Daddy!

Ready to play at a park in Tequesta

Napping at a friends house

Tooth Update

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Creeper Crawler

As of today Eva is crawling!  I was at my girlfriends house and Eva saw some new and exciting toys on the floor.  So motivated by a choking hazard, she scooted herself enough to pick it up and attempt to chew on it.  No harm done of course we were both right there.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Plastic Alert

If you use plastic bottles or teether toys please check out this article.  I am glad that someone shared it with me.

Echocardiogram Update

Test results are NORMAL!

First Tooth

She is always smiling when I go to pick her up out of her crib, even when she is teething :).  Her first tooth is here!  I can feel it, but barely see it.  I can see another one coming too.  both on the bottom.  Check it out!


Happy Birthday Eva!

Eva is 7 months today!  And here's a little birthday shout out to my big brother too - you old fart! 

She loves to see little kids.  Today Eva and I were out with Justin for lunch and she was in her car-seat.  A 3 1/2 year old said, "I just washed my hands.  Can I touch the baby's hands?"  I said yes.  Little Naomi set her hand on the edge of Eva's car seat.  Eva, ever so sweetly, rested her hand on top of Naomi's and left it there!  Eva started looking at the little girl and talking purposefully while trying to sit up enough to get out of her car-seat - still keeping her hand on Naomi's.  I took Eva out of the car seat and let her stand on my lap.  The two little girls held hands and looked at each other.  They really seemed to have a special connection!  It made me excited about the idea of Eva having siblings someday.

I took Eva over to the community park after lunch.  For the first time I put her in the baby swing instead of swinging with her on my lap.  She grabbed on to the cords and looked very happy.  She is a little girl!  We went down a slide and climbed around for a few minutes.  We went inside the community center and shot hoops.  We actually made a few- swishhhh!  Never know what she will be interested in so I might as well give her options :).  We went back to the park with Justin after dinner and took some pictures.