Thursday, September 11, 2008




The Zoo and Sweet Tomatoes

Climbing to Stand

I'm coming to get you!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Bok Tower

This weekend we took a road trip to Lake Wales to visit with a friend at Bok Tower.  It is a beautiful, enchanted place.  It is a musical tower surrounded by gardens.  In the gardens there are a lot of overly friendly squirrels and huge spiders!  Check out their website for more information on visiting - .

1st Week of September

This has proved to be an eventful week.  It has been confirmed that Eva understands and has the ability to obey "No".  She was trying to eat part of the high chair, which I don't let her do, I was across the room and I said, "Eva- no."  She immediately sat up, looked and me and started whining!  But she didn't go back to eating the high chair.

She stood up in her pack and play last night, she has really strong legs!

She has been waving to people more often.  She is also doing short little walks while holding our hands.  She is so cute, she'll take a few steps and then stop and look up at me :).  She often sleeps on her side.  While she is in this position I will give her a kiss, and while still sleeping she will flip over!  I give her a kiss on the other side, and again she will flip over but stay asleep.  So cute!

Last Few Days of August

Friday, September 5, 2008

Thursday, September 4, 2008


This morning Eva woke up around 6:30.  I got her out of her crib, took her back to bed with me, fed her and we fell asleep together.  We cuddled for almost two hours this morning.  It was wonderful and special.

This afternoon during Eva's designated nap time she decided to stand up in her crib and say, "mna-mna-mna-mna-mna" over and over until I came to see her.  I was welcomed with a delightful giggle and grin.  

When she stands up in her crib she can now balance using only one hand and at times she tries to be hands-free, but that lasts only seconds :).

Eva's favorite dish is by far butternut squash , none of that green stuff!

Eva Golf Pro

Here is the picture of Eva mini golfing, our friend photo shopped me out so it looks a little funny but still very cute!