Sunday, January 31, 2010


"What you doing?"
"I'm tired"
"I'm working"
"don't color on the wall"

This is a song that is on a children's CD that I got for Eva when she was first born. The lyrics to this song:

Believe in the Lord
(back up vocals) - who?
The Lord Jesus Christ
(back up vocals) - thats who!
And you and your house will be saved Acts 16:31

A guided version of Eva singing Twinkle little star, even though
she sings it all by herself when I don't have the camera on! She also
said something to Abby in my belly while she was singing. She tries
to include her in things :).

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Toddler Bed Update

Everyday this week we have been letting Eva attempt to sleep in her big girl bed for naps. If she stayed in the bed she could then sleep there that night. If she got out during nap time she would go directly into the crib for the rest of nap time and sleep in the crib for bed.

Today is the first time this week that Eva was able to sleep in her bed for night time. I checked on her several times while she was settling herself down and she was always in the bed. The last time I went to check on her this is what I saw:

Fun Little Stories

Whenever Eva is cold she'll say, "Chilly, chilly. My sweater. My jacket"

We were walking around a garage sale today and Eva was talking to the owner. She starting to pat my belly and say, "Baby, baby. This Abby Joy. Abby Joy." She kept right on patting and started to pat my breast, "milk, milk." Haha

Often times whenever I want to take a picture of Eva she will say, "Smile, cheese!" and as soon as it flashes she now says, "See Eva." Whereas a couple months ago she would have said, "you! You!" after I took her picture to see herself on the camera.

Fun Videos of Eva Playing

Making up songs to dry her hands to.

This is the first time she ever kicked her legs
like this on the swing, she was cracking me up.

Eva loves to jog and loves to hold our hands.
So it is only natural to combine such fun activities.

I know that I have been posting a lot of ABC videos,
but this one has her singing a little bit of
Head and Shoulders in the very beginning.

Whenever Daddy plays with Eva she is always laughing.

Videos of Eva doing some cool stuff

At the chiropractor's office. She does this over and over.
Sometimes she will go through 5 cups.
We had to start limiting her to two a visit :)

This is now an everyday request she makes, "water my plants?"

Saying good night to Abby Joy - sisterly love.

"Drive! Eva's turn!"

Thank goodness its Girl Scout cookie season

This is the best ABC video yet!


I painted this for the girls room. When the baby arrives
I want to put a 5x7 of Eva and Abby in the center.

Hanging out with Daddy at Starbucks

She loves her "Colby", the purple monster, and "Puppy".
The purple monster is the only toy that she has actually given a name.
Ever since she first got him several months ago
she has been calling him that.

The book she is reading is currently her favorite.
She wants to read it all the time. Its a Disney cartoon dictionary.
Whenever she comes across anyone in a bed (not just in this book but any book)
she warns them, "Don't get out of the bed."
I know it may sound terrible, but its terribly cute!

Friday, January 29, 2010

Fun Times

Story Time at the library today! This library does such a good job. In addition to the books they incorporate sign language, crafts and music. The theme this week was Big and Small. We learned signs for big things - tree and elephant and small things - baby, mouse and bug. At the end we colored and folded a paper mouse :).

Preston and Eva!

She is such a big girl now! She is so comfortable and independent at the story times now. She enjoys being with the kids and not Mommy. Its been really good for her.

Eva helping Parker with his pacifier. She is going to be a great helper when the next baby is here

At the Park with her choice of socks and shoes! Pumpkin socks and ruby red shoes.
We like to pick our battles :)

Nap time fun! I walked in and found her like this - so cute!

My hand print at 2 years old. Getting the handprint took some effort. I had to mix the plaster twice because the first time around Eva kept wanting to squeeze the plaster instead of press. I kept trying to her right hand, but she wanted to do her left which actually turned out better. Go figure. I finally got the perfect one - I told her to "high-five" it. Worked great, but when we were done she had a melt down because she wanted to keep high-fiving it...

Coloring. You can see that she is coloring specific objects! Just the eyes or the nose.

Eva led Daddy to the swings and as she pointed to the big kid swing she said, "That one. Daddy, cuddle."

Bath time

She does have hair!

Loves to cuddle with Daddy.

Spraying water in the air with the hose
She loves to water the plants over and over.
Remember the little boy Trevin I baby sat?

Holding Mater and watching Mater from the Disney/Pixar movie Cars - she loves the short films. Check out Eva's favorite here:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Privacy Notice to our Readers!

We will be making this a private blog within the next few days. We have decided the information and pictures we post do not need to be available to the entire world - it is really only intended for our close friends and families. As such you will need a google or blogger account (both are free) to log in to our site.

Please understand this is not to exclude specific people from seeing our blog - it is being done in response to some general privacy concerns we have.

Thank you for understanding,
Justin and Aimee

Monday, January 25, 2010

A Big Girl Bed?

Well, after I had enough time to brag to everyone I could about Eva sleeping in her Toddler bed and her incredible obedience in staying in the bed two incidents have occurred.

Yesterday during nap time Justin came in to check on her and she was sitting in her glider reading with a stack of books beside her. Aww, its so cute, but also still disobeying - into the crib.

Just now I thought, it was quiet enough for her to be sleeping but still too quiet for comfort. I came in to see her sitting in front of the sliding glass door with a toy watching the rain - into the crib.

She was very sad, but only because she got caught.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

This Week

I love them together

Yes! I can fit 3 kids in my back seat! Eva and her friends Leah and Jachin
Jachin is not a happy camper in the back seat!

Eva and Abby's new chair

Hola amigo

Eva giving Coby (the monster on top) a nap and the other babies a ride

A Lot of "A Latte Fun" lately

On Preston's birthday we went to A latte fun with him.

She spent a huge chunk of time playing happily by herself putting all the dolls in their own chairs and such. So cute!

She loves these dress up shoes!

Eva's new shoe obsession are these red shoes. She says "they match" everything. As you can see in the background she had just put her baby down for a nap on the couch.
Eva with a tail, I was trying to take a picture but well, ya know...

She kept jumping and then attacking me :). It made me happy

Preston's Thomas the Train Bday Party

Eva's friend turned three yesterday and had a very fun party today!

Eva on a Big Girl swing trying to gain some momentum.

Eva making Daddy totally jealous

Aren't they so cute!

"My train, my train! Choo choo!" She held onto my hands so tight! Excited and terrified.

They let all the kids have a shot at the pinata. Eva didn't break it but really tried.