Friday, March 28, 2008

Just Having Fun

Little Eva was being so precious we just had to share. Below you'll find a video of her using her recently discovered vocal chords, as well as special photos of her dressed up as a kitty cat and a butterfly!


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Eva's First Easter

Grandma Beth

Grandma Bethany, Aimee's mom, came to visit us this past week with her husband Larry. It was so wonderful to see my mom and for Eva to meet her. As always it was hard to share, but who better to share with! I have only been without Eva once, before this week and that was for an hour and a half to go to a girlfriend's shower, but Eva was with Justin. This week I left Eva with my mom for a half an hour. I was surprisingly OK, until my mom told me she cried a little while I was gone. That made me so sad! I am a little attached :). Well, we had a wonderful time. We all miss my mom very much! Here are some cute pics for you.

Monday, March 24, 2008

What a Difference a Few Weeks Can Make

I'll be honest. The first 6 weeks were rough. There was a lot of crying and not a lot of sleep. I was late for work a lot. Aimee was gracious enough to always take the night shift, and even take the baby to the 2nd bedroom to feed her. Unfortunately I am a very light sleeper, so usually when the baby wakes up (or even breathes funny) I would wake up as well.

But now we are at 10 weeks, and it is a world of difference. Mostly I think little Eva's stomach is more mature so there's a lot less tummy troubles. The tummy trouble made her cry a lot, especially late at night in the early weeks. Thankfully now she only fusses for a few minutes before going to bed - just fighting sleep like any baby does. She also fusses a lot less getting into her car seat.

Here's a recent picture of our little girl for your enjoyment:

Please pray for us as we need to make some decisions about vaccinations soon.

Pictures of Easter and Grandma Beth's visit coming soon!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

One Foot in Front of the Other

Here is a clip of Eva walking! Well, sort of :) But you have to start somewhere!

Monday, March 10, 2008

Just Bragging

Eva is the most beautiful baby - hands down. She has beautiful skin color, perfectly pink lips, a contagious smile, is so strong and smart. She goes to the bathroom on the big potty - sometimes, sings along with Mama when I sing her favorite song (With a Smile and a Song) and last night she laughed for the first time!

Grandpa Glenn

My, Aimee, Dad came to visit a couple of weeks ago and saw Eva for the first time. We had a great time with him and look forward to seeing him again. Here are some pictures of Grandpa Glenn.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

We are so behind!

We sincerely apologize for the lack of postings...the funny thing about media today is that it is so easy to create your own or obtain it that it takes exponentially longer to sift through it. Ask anyone with a TIVO - they've probably recorded a year worth of shows and will never be able to watch them all. We don't have a TIVO, however between our digital camera and video camera, we have hundreds, if not thousands of pictures and video clips to sort through, rotate, crop, convert, etc.

In short, we are taking them much faster than we can do anything with them. But this morning, at risk for being late for church, I decided all of our readers needed a treat. Here is little Eva at a landmark stage in her development: