Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Baby's Room is Coming Along!

Well, we finally got the carpet cleaned so we could start putting the room together. So far we only have the basic furniture stuff, so no fancy decorations yet, but here it is!

Now that our little girl is moving around so much, we like to play with her. Sometimes Aimee tenses up her stomach and when she releases the baby is a flurry of movement! Also, sometimes when I find where she is laying, I jiggle around Aimee's stomach and sometimes its seems like she jiggles back!

We have so much to do in the coming weeks. We have to register at the hospital and take a tour, find a pediatrician, sign up for birthing and breastfeeding classes, and Justin needs to take the Daddy Boot Camp class. At least we feel that we've a lot of progress on getting the nursery ready.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Progress On All Fronts!

Boy have we been busy! In the last few days we have begun to register for baby shower gifts, done a lot of research on cloth diapers, and I've spent most of my Saturday making preparations for the baby's room. Last Saturday we got it painted (thanks Matt and Dave!) and today I did some touch up work (because we were all messy painters) and installed new electrical outlets (since the old ones were painted over...but not by me.) I felt quite manly, although I am sad to admit that painting and installing electrical outlets are about the extent of my home project abilities. We are also going to install some baseboard and probably some crown molding. Here is what the room looks like so far:

Also, I am proud to say that Aimee is finally gaining some weight! I think she is at about 12 lbs now. We have had a lot of fun watching her tummy move and talking to the baby. Thanks for your prayers and please continue praying for Aimee's and the baby's health, as well as our finances to be sufficient - babies cost money!