Thursday, January 31, 2008
Back To Work
All I can say is the time went so fast. We took lots of pictures. But I suppose its good to get back to the status quo. After all, if I can't work, the family can't be supported. I'm grateful that I had enough vacation time to take the two weeks off with some to spare. it was also quite nice that Aimee's old boss hand-delivered our bonus checks when she came to see the baby. We are certainly grateful for the extra cash right now... we aren't hurting as of yet, but we just started the one-paycheck thing. But I know God will provide, He always does :)
Uncle Chris Comes To Visit
Chris was a great sport about being confined to the house for an entire week, and he helped out with the cooking and dishes. We also just got to hang out and talk, play some board games, watch some movies, and basically take it slow, which was nice. I've felt the need to 'slow down' for a while now, and well, there's no remedy like having a baby.
Thanks for coming Chris! Your turn, Aunt Joanna!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
A Post From Aimee
I knew that Justin would be a wonderful father because he is a wonderful husband. When Eva is in Justin's arms she stares at him intently as he speaks to her. He has been building a solid foundation in our marriage so that our children will be able to start their life in a loving, nurturing environment.
Here are some pictures of him as a husband and now as a father.
Friday, January 25, 2008
So Tiny! So Cute!
Aimee snapped this great shot to show our tiny little girl:
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Your Comments, Please
Your feedback and comments are important to me. Thanks.
So Much To Say
Of course, there was very little sleep that first night. Eva stayed under the heat lamp for a while and I was paranoid that she would spit up and choke on it or something, so at every little sound I got up to check on her.
Friday, January 18, 2008
My handheld device for work tells me I have 611 new e-mails, and its only Thursday. Dishes are piling up in the sink. Mommy is sleeping. Baby is sleeping. Lights are getting left on, while I forget what I was going to do in that room. My normal to-do list looks impossible. Today I made a list with less than 10 items on it and it still looks ambitious. Did I mention that three of the things on the list are shower, clip my fingernails, and shave? Why am I still in my underwear at 1 in the afternoon?
But it's worth it. Every little bit. Mom is tired so I get to play super husband. I'm still learning to be super dad, but thankfully I have some time.
Here is a little video of Eva while she was only two hours old. Once you see this, you'll understand why none of the above matters right now.
Internet Not Working
Monday, January 14, 2008
She's Here!!!
Little Eva came out picture perfect. No funny shaped head or stuff all over her skin even. It was almost like a movie.
Thank you all so much for your prayers and support. As much as we love everyone, we don't want too many visitors. Please call us ahead of time as we've instructed the hospital not to let anyone in.
It's almost 3 AM but I already know its going to be difficult to sleep tonight. The baby has hardly cried at all amazingly. But the excitement will keep us awake!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
It's Starting!
Your prayers are appreciated! Please continue them through this process!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Doctor Visit Update
We went to Cracker Barrel for dinner tonight and we sat next to a couple that had a 6 week old. It just slept the whole time and it was so precious. Then we briefly spoke with the waitress about having a baby (I wonder how that topic keeps coming up?) and the waitress said that her baby was three days late, but until then there were no signs of labor and it felt like it wasn't going to happen. This was a relief to Aimee because that's about how she feels right now!
Look for an e-mail (if we have your e-mail address) and a blog update shortly after little Eva is born!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Looks Like Eva Wanted a Different Birthday
Monday, January 7, 2008
Some Interesting Statistics
- Only 5% of babies are actually born on their due date
- 80% of babies are born within 10 days of their due date (either before or after)
- 70% of babies are born after their due date
- Only 8-10% of women give birth earlier than 10 days before the due date
- About 8% give birth beyond 10 days after their due date! Whew!
Here are some other interesting birth-related statistics:
- 80% of women receive an epidural (at our hospital at least)
- 80% of women in Denmark have their babies at home, they don't go to the hospital!
- Almost 1 in 3 women (about 30%, as of 2005) in America end up having a C-section
- The number of C-sections have increased 46% from 1996 - 2005!
- 10.3 hours is the average length of labor
We'd appreciate your prayers for an all-natural, on-time baby!
Friday, January 4, 2008
And the Doctor Says....
Aimee has officially gained 35 lbs. I have gained about 7 sympathy pounds (so please have sympathy for me, they aren't going away!)
We'll keep you posted and let everyone know as soon as the baby arrives.