Man, we've been all over the place the last six months! In July we went to Pennyslvania to see my family, in September we went to Colorado to see Beth and Larry, then I had to take a short work trip to Minnesota, and then we drove up near Atlanta to see Aimee's Dad and Brother for Thanksgiving. We're like world travelers (on a very small scale of course.) Needless to say, we're done traveling for a while!
Aimee's uncle David and his family live near Jacksonville, right between our house and Dallas, GA where her Dad and Brother live, and they were nice enough to let us stay at their house on the way up, which was a nice break from all the driving.

We had lunch with David's family (above) but then we were running late and needed to make up for lost time, so we threw Eva in the back with the rest of the luggage and took off. Just kidding!

We got to Aimee's Dad's house a bit late but we were happy to be done driving. Eva was too of course.

Near their house is a very long walking path called the Silver Comet trail. I think it goes all the way to Alabama. We went for a nice walk, but not quite that far of course. Eva got to ride in her new jogger stroller that Glenn and Janice got for us.

It was a bit chilly and rainy up there most days, but we had a few days with great weather. One of them was Black Friday and Glenn took us to some outlet shops and we got some great deals (unlike the outlet shops near us, which don't really offer anything quite that good.) We hung around the house, played some games and video games, watched some movies, and of course ate some turkey (and homemade scones!) All in all a nice relaxing vacation.