Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Eva's vocabulary is growing everyday. She can say almost anything we ask her to. She is so sweet.

She calls the phone "hello".

She started stacking objects two days ago. She was so focused on her mini books, I looked away and looked back and she had started stacking them. I counted one stack - 15 mini books! Now I realize that she has been trying to stack her big books, but it didn't work out so conveniently.

She pretends that she is doing laundry. She will take her dirty clothes out of her basket and transfer them to another basket. Then she will take them out and hold some of her outfits up to herself and hold them under her chin as if trying to decide which one she wants to wear. She'll take her washcloths and stick them on her head and say, "hat" :).

She has been learning some new signs - flower, cup, table, chair, bed and a few others.

She loves to play independently and "read" her books on her own. Its hard to let go, but we are so proud of the young lady that she is becoming.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Some Fun Stuff

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Eva has just started allowing us to put a blanket on her when she sleeps. Every since the day she was born she has hated to be swaddled and to have blankets on her. Also this past week we put a pillow in her crib for the first time. She loves it! The past few months she has been loving pillows. Any pillow she found around the house she would lay on it. Maybe a big girl bed isn't too far off!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Cutie Patootie

Eva is so precious. Lately she has been sleeping with 3 items in her crib: Pooh, a cat and her singing seahorse we named Sally OR ladybug pillow, a cat and Sally. Well to back up a bit, Eva has slept with us a couple times over the past week due to her Rotavirus. She is the kind of girl who likes to make preparations so when we would come to get her from her crib in the night she would grab Pooh and her blanket, reach high to us and say, "Mommy."

Tonight I went to check on her after a 1/2 hour of whining. As soon as she saw me standing over her crib she started to reach around for toys that she wanted to "bring with her". She made sure to give me a play by play as she picked up each one, then dropped one, picked up while dropping another...

"Sally." "Pillow." "Cat." "Pillow." "Cat." "Sally." A few more rounds of that and then finally having them all scooped in her arms tried to reach up for me with all her toys in hand. Unfortunately we weren't going to be bringing her toys - as I was only there to give her a drink and a snuggle. She didn't seem to mind when I set them all back in her crib so she would want to get back in there when it was time.

ANOTHER CUTE STORY! This afternoon after checking on her several times, when I laid her down for the last time she put her head on her pillow and as I was closing the door she picked up her head and waved to me, "Buh-bye". It was so sweet. And she finally took a nap :).

Justin's Birthday

My handsome prince is 32. On July 13th we had a little get together for the guys at our house for Justin. We missed all of you who couldn't make it! Thank you to all of you who could!

Ears Pierced!

Well we had Eva's ears pierced while my mom was in town and I have to say that I regret it. Initially we planned to wait until Eva asked us to do it, but lately Eva has been taking notice of my earrings and holding them up to her ears. So many of our friends have done it and none have said much about the pain.

maybe its because we waited too long, but Eva was horrified and acted as if she was in excruciating pain. The first week after having to clean her ears was a fight too. I felt horrible! Beauty is pain? She was beautiful without the earrings. Big sigh. It is done and she is finally starting to like them.

Her reward! A lemon filled pastry.

Cocalum Visit

My mom came to visit for a week. It was a wonderful time. Mommy I love you and miss you so much! Thank you for a perfect visit!

To top off the week my brother came in for a couple days too :). So good to see you Chris.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Eva has the Rotavirus

The Pediatrician said Eva has the Rotavirus, and that seems in line with the symptoms and what we've looked up on it. The great news is that Eva is still being breastfed, and that is all the treatment the doctor ordered.

Even as of today she is doing much better. The vomiting has stopped (at least we think it has) and although the diarreah is never fun, it is already better than it was the first day. Eva is also acting much more like herself, cheerful and happy. She gets a little tired more quickly and is more snuggle-prone, but that's not a bad thing :)

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers, hopefully we are on to a speedy recovery.

If you think of it, please pray for another little girl we know, named Eden, who was injured yesterday. Thankfully after an ER trip, our friends say the injuries aren't too terrible as initially thought, but she still has lots of healing to do.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Eva is sick!

Please pray for Eva to get better quickly -- she has very bad diarreah and started throwing up this morning. No fever though. Thankfully Aimee's neighbor was gracious enough to give us the day off (after having just given us several days off for her family being in town.)

Anyway, we have lots of updates to do, but right now no time, just pray that Eva gets better soon!