Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Pardon of Lack of Postings

We are currently dealing with a computer crash... wish us luck! Hopefully we'll have more picture of Eva coming soon.

Saturday, November 14, 2009


Lately Eva has been trying to say everything that I say. Its really cute when she tries to say whole sentences back to me. Very hard to translate :). I call her and Justin honey a lot, so now that is her favorite thing to call me. Yesterday she spilt some water on the floor. She stood over it, "oh, honey, honey" calling to me to look at her uh-oh. Here little friend Gabi was wanting attention from his mommy and was getting impatient and Eva's nurturing side came out, "Oh, honey. Aw hold on honey aw. Hold on." This morning she called to Daddy to come down stairs, "HONEY!"

Today we had some food for the ducks. Eva picked up and said, "Feed the ducks" and walked to the door. She is wonderful. I love her little voice and all the fun things she says and tries to say :).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Favorite Song

The past week or two Eva has become addicted to a song. Whenever we are in the car she has to be listening to it constantly. She knows what track it is! I put in Fleet Foxes for her thinking she would like the harmonies. The next time we were in the car she kept saying, "two! Two!" I had no idea what she was talking about. "Again! Again!" Trying different things I finally got to the song she wanted. Now she tries to request the song by singing the part of the song she likes, "eee-i. eee-i." She sings several words from the song, "summer...fall...snow...". Check it out! The video is really cool too. Its not very long.

Tonight Justin and I needed to listen to something else. We put on a different song and she just yearned for her song, so after ours was done we put it on and the first thing she said was, "Better. Yeah."

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trick or Treat!!!

Justin here. When I think of Halloween as a kid, I remember compromising (or integrating) your cold weather clothes into your costume. In Pennsylvania it's typically a brisk 40-50 degrees on an October evening, but you didn't care because you were having fun.

Florida is different. And when you are taking a little one such as Eva, you should really go trick-or-treating while it is still light out, so we did. Unfortunately that also meant it was still about 85 degrees outside at 5 PM. And we were wearing costumes. Yeah, it's been a little warm this year.

Aimee dressed as the "bun in the oven", and as you can see, I was the bun maker.

We initially thought we were going with a small group of friends....

Look at them run!

Hurry up and wait!

Eva was an American Idol contestant. She totally won.

Eva can't wait for the candy. Daddy can't wait to get out of this costume and rest this evening!