Christmas Time + Baby Almost Here =
Really Busy.If it isn't evident by my lack of postings, things are quite busy around the Honse household. One moment we feel prepared, then another moment we have dozens of things to do, before Christmas and before the Baby gets here. Getting Christmas gifts in the mail, I suppose, is higher priority right now. Thankfully, we are almost done with shopping for this year, and almost all the cards are in the mail. If anyone gets anything late, we apologize.
And classes. We are taking lots of classes. Birthing, newborn care, breastfeeding and infant CPR. I think we have two more to go then we can scratch those off the list of preparations.
We still need a pediatrician. We are pretty sure who we are going to go with but we are waiting for their open house next week. Someone should really develop a checklist for parents-to-be, as it seems like there are a million things to do!
Also - today is 36 weeks! This is good because Jupiter hospital won't let you deliver there if you are less than 36 weeks (since they are a level-1 facility without all the long-term emergency stuff for premature babies, etc.) So this is good news as we've taken the tour at Jupiter and met some of the nurses and we really like our Doctors too.
My workload at the office is one area where I don't feel prepared. Due to the nature of my duties and responsibilities, it's very difficult to walk away for any length of time, let alone two weeks at a moments notice! So I'm doing my best to summarize my work and get some other people in my department familiar with my cases. It's a big undertaking though.
As time is ticking down we are getting very excited! I talk to little Eva every day in Mommy's tummy and I hope she knows my voice when she comes out. We hope to have our little one here within a month. The first few months went slow but then it went fast for a while. We made lots of preparations - the nursery is almost done (just some finishing touches, stuff to hang on the wall), the car seat and stroller are even in the car and the diaper bag is packed. Yeah, we're kind of type-A, which is good but now at home its just a waiting game, so it's going slow again. We are trying to remember to take it easy and enjoy some of this 'free time' that we know will quickly disappear when little Eva gets here.
Thanks for your continued prayers and gifts, everything has been wonderful and so far there are no problems in sight.