Friday, August 3, 2007

The Baby Moved!

First thing this morning, Aimee felt a little movement in her tummy! It's about that time that the baby starts moving, which is so exciting. She asked me why I'm not acting more excited... and I said "Well, I didn't feel it move yet!" We should find out the sex in 4 days.

On a positive note, Aimee hasn't had any morning sickness in over a week I believe, and she's able to make it a little longer in between meals when necessary. As for me, my back was all messed up last week and finally feels a bit more normal - I'd say 80%, and I can almost stand up completely straight, which is nice. Talk about something we take for granted! If I believed in evolution I would feel very bad for our caveman/monkey ancestors. But I don't, so I don't feel bad at all!

We'll let you know as soon as we get the ultrasound results.

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