Monday, July 30, 2007

One Week Away!

We are one week away from finding out our baby's sex. We are excited! Some people are giving us grief about finding out ahead of time, but oh well. Aimee and I are on the same page and we both want to know... what can I say? We like to be prepared. We will let you all know as soon as possible!

Aimee's morning sickness is doing a little better, so thank you for your prayers. The other night I put my hand on her belly and I'm pretty sure I was able to feel the baby's heartbeat! Also, Aimee hasn't felt the baby move yet, but she can tell it is changing positions. So far mommy has only gained about 3 lbs - but we expect that number to start going up very soon! Her belly hasn't grown much more yet, but as soon as it does we'll put up another picture.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

please call or email as soon as you know. Sorry we've been MIA. I'm just really sick and don't need to be around Aimee just yet. I know she's had enough time staying well on her own.
Hugs to all kiss lucky for eden