Sunday, March 2, 2008

We are so behind!

We sincerely apologize for the lack of postings...the funny thing about media today is that it is so easy to create your own or obtain it that it takes exponentially longer to sift through it. Ask anyone with a TIVO - they've probably recorded a year worth of shows and will never be able to watch them all. We don't have a TIVO, however between our digital camera and video camera, we have hundreds, if not thousands of pictures and video clips to sort through, rotate, crop, convert, etc.

In short, we are taking them much faster than we can do anything with them. But this morning, at risk for being late for church, I decided all of our readers needed a treat. Here is little Eva at a landmark stage in her development:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a big girl... I can't believe it!
Grandma Beth