Monday, March 24, 2008

What a Difference a Few Weeks Can Make

I'll be honest. The first 6 weeks were rough. There was a lot of crying and not a lot of sleep. I was late for work a lot. Aimee was gracious enough to always take the night shift, and even take the baby to the 2nd bedroom to feed her. Unfortunately I am a very light sleeper, so usually when the baby wakes up (or even breathes funny) I would wake up as well.

But now we are at 10 weeks, and it is a world of difference. Mostly I think little Eva's stomach is more mature so there's a lot less tummy troubles. The tummy trouble made her cry a lot, especially late at night in the early weeks. Thankfully now she only fusses for a few minutes before going to bed - just fighting sleep like any baby does. She also fusses a lot less getting into her car seat.

Here's a recent picture of our little girl for your enjoyment:

Please pray for us as we need to make some decisions about vaccinations soon.

Pictures of Easter and Grandma Beth's visit coming soon!


Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Justin & Aimee,
Just wanted to say how beautiful the baby is!
Aunt Terry