Monday, June 30, 2008

Vacation - First Plane Ride

I am off work this week and part of next week and we are all flying up to Pennsylvania so my family can see Eva Mae in person.  This will be our first time traveling with a little one -- and her first time on a plane, so we are a bit nervous!  Aimee has been great, diligently practicing with Eva sitting in her lap for a few hours at a time to train her for the plane trip (since she'll need to sit in our laps for 3 hours during the flight.)

So tomorrow we pack up and try to get to sleep early, as we'll need to get up at about 2:30 AM to get ready and get to the airport by around 4:30 AM to catch our flight.  At least we'll get to PA nice and early.  Please pray for safety and an easy trip with the little one, as well as good weather! I have taken many trips to PA for the Fourth of July and it almost always RAINS, causing a delay with the fireworks shows!   

We will be sure to post some pictures of Eva with Grandma Donna, Grandpa John, Great Grandma Sarah, Great Grandpa Jim, and Great Grandma Phyllis, and Great Grandpa Dick, and hopefully some video too!


Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Hope you enjoy your time in PA. I lived in PA for 14 years. Way to go Eva for sitting up! That takes some good muscles. Hope your flight went well.
Taeya's also starting to sit up. She topples after just a short time although she's starting to get better at it. Your mom got to hold Taeya today at the 4th of July "picnic". I know she wishes she was closer to Eva. I'm glad I can share Taeya with her since Eva's so far away.

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Thanks for the comments. :) We actually do have the mesh feeders. That is what we used for our first attempt at bananas. I think the taste was so new for her she wouldn't even try to hold it. She might at this point.
Hope you had a nice time in PA.