Thursday, August 13, 2009


Eva and I have been bonding a lot lately. I feel closer to her more than ever!

I want to share some special new memories she has been making for us. Last night I went to check on her when she was coughing from her cold to see if she needed a drink. I held her and we cuddled for a few minutes. As I was holding my half asleep daughter she barely opened her eyes and pointed at her side, "help" after a pause "tickle". She was half awake and still wanting to be tickled! She asked a few times but was unresponsive to the tickling.

There is one CD that is Eva's favorite. She listens to it all the time, she calls it, "DA! DA! DA!" I think she is trying to say dance. She always wants to listen to it when she knows daddy is home. As soon as I turn it on she goes on a search for Daddy or myself, whoever is not with her at the moment and will not give up until we are all in her room dancing and clapping together. She will not let Justin rest if that CD is on! Its so much fun and it touches our hearts that she wants us all to be together.

Her communication skills are growing. We can almost always figure out what she wants. Yesterday, it was so cute, I put her down for a nap with a book as usual but I went to check on her a few minutes later because of her coughing. I knew she hadn't slept at all though. When I went over to her crib she stood straight up and lifted up her arms, "I nap. All done." Haha! It was so funny.

1 comment:

Bethany Rose said...

My sweet baby! I love it.