Monday, August 31, 2009



This week Justin bought Famous Amos cookies for our after dinner treat. Once we have finished eating Eva sits on Daddy's lap with cookie in hand and a glass of milk in front of her for her to drink and dip her cookie. This ritual caught on fast. The second night when Eva was done eating and was getting restless for Justin and I to finish, "All done! Down!" begging to be released from her seat. Justin anounced that it would soon be cookie time. Well, she began nodding her head and saying, "Cookie. Lap" while pointing at Daddy. It's so sweet. She wants to sit on Daddy's lap and eat cookies. It's so cute!

Eva loves cats. She follows our cat around, "Lucky, Meow, Lucky, Cat." She can say her "L" sound really well now :) Anyway today at my girlfriend's house she was following her cat around and said one of her first completely perfect sentences, "I like cats." She said this several times during the course of our visit.

Eva can easily identify groups of twos. Today she saw two lamps standing together so we asked, "how many lamps are there?" she said, "two". She has done this several times now. The other night Justin asked Eva which one of two books she wanted to read while she was in her car seat, she said, "Both" and received both books with joy!

Its really funny how she can voice her opinion now. I am very thankful that she can speak so well because it cuts back on fits, and the fits she does have can be dissolved more quickly because she can ultimately tell me what she wants.

Baby Talk
Even though I can generally figure out what she is telling me there are still, obviously, a lot of times I don't know. Its so funny, I'll be translating for half the day for a friend and then she will string a bunch of sounds together and talk animated. My friend will look at me for answers and I just have to confess, "I have no idea!" I love the gibber-gabber she makes up - especially when she first wakes up - I feel like she is telling me about what she has dreamt :).

1 comment:

Bethany Rose said...

I love it! Hey how about some photos and/or video.