Thursday, March 5, 2009

I Got Opinions...

Eva is displaying her opninions all the time.  She can tell us when she is thirsty, hungry and is all done without having to cry. 

She goes to her book shelf and looks  at the books for a minute.  Then she selects the 3 sesame street beginning books (which are not grouped together on the shelf).  Then she will sit down and look through them, show me or just walk around with it.  Then she will return to the shelf and select another set of similar books - which again, are not together but she knows they are alike.

She has been wanting a more big girl toothbrush.  So we walked to Publix to get her one last night.  We saw some cute ones but showed her a single kind, but in three different colors - green, blue and pink.  We held them up for her to choose.  she grabbed the pink with her right hand and blue with her left and leaned back to look at them.  She then proceeded to hand me the pink one and hold on to the blue.  Very calmly and very decidedly.

Obviously she has opinions about food too.  But we all know how that goes :).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for updating the blog honey! Love, Justin