Monday, March 2, 2009

Slipping Through My fingers

Eva is growing so fast. Everyday she does several new things.  New stuff:

• She gives kisses.  She started last week by smiling with her teeth and sticking out her chin with her eyes closed and would stay that way until kissed
• This week she puckers up with her chin up for kisses
• She loves to stick her fingers up our noses and laugh hysterically
• Some things she says, 
"There she is" during peek-a-boo
"Its good"  When done reading a book and setting it down to search for bigger and better things
"Want one" offering a french fry to a friend

• Typically I bribe her to eat a jar of baby food by placing a cheerio on top of the food on the spoon so she will be motivated to eat the cheerio or a piece of chicken (she loves meat!).  Many times she will manage to only eat the cheerio or chicken completely dodging the rest of the food on the spoon.  Well as of late she has taken to putting the cheerio or meat on the spoon herself and then eating it.  If it is really sweet (apples and oatmeal) she will be 2 to 3 cheerioes and then takes the spoon full.
• She started using crayons this weekend!  Most of the drawing is us guiding her and showing her to do it but hey!  She is taking the crayons and eating the tips!
• She walks in every direction, forwards, backwards and side to side.  She still gets tipsy, but she catches herself from falling 80% of the time.
• She is a little chatter box.  Trying to tell me what she thinks.
• She loves admiring herself in the mirror as if she were posing fora professional photoshoot.


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