Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Thank you!

This time around we have so much more support than the first time and it is making all the difference. So many people have stepped up and gone out of their way to bring us meals, miscellaneous supplies, visit with us, during the first 48 hours when I had to have a constant companion several friends came to stay with me so Justin could run out and most precious to us is paying special attention to Eva during their visits at the house or even taking her to the park. Thank you to all our friends for taking time out of your busy lives for us! By the end of this week we will only have had to fend for ourselves for dinner 2 out of 10 days. This experience has been so positive and such a blessing to know that we have people who really care! Thank you so much.

Abby Is One Week Old!

Abby is one week old today. Things have been going so fast. The first 4 days Abby was so peaceful and sleepy. She still is, but has had more awake times the past 3. Her cord fell off on day 5 so we have already been able to give her a bath on day 6 :). She had her first Doctor visit on Monday. They gave her the PKU test, which is a heel prick but apparently didn't do it right because they had to prick her other heel! I was so upset to see Abby upset that I cried. It was ridiculous. They tried to give her a hearing test but were unsuccessful because her ears are too small :). We have to try again at her two week appointment.

Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz
Length: 20 1/2 (which at the birth she was measured at 19 1/2) So she's 20 in, right?
Head: 13 1/2 in

Eva is trying so hard. Monday and Tuesday were really good days for her. She wants to be where Abby is and is always making sure she knows where she is. She Wanted to cuddle with her the other day and even checks up on her often just to look at her. She is acting out, but not too bad. Today was the first day that she seemed a little disgruntled :(. I can't wait til I am feeling better so that I can devote more play time with her that she needs.

I needed to measure Eva too. The past two weeks she has had a growth spurt. Almost all of her 24 month clothes looked obviously too small. She is a taller girl and I am going to break out the 2T cloths this week! She is growing into a sweeter and prettier girl everyday. She is more loving and playful all the time. By the way she is a perfect helper for mommy with Abby! Ready to please :).

Weight: 27 lbs
Length: 33 1/2 in.
Head: 19 in.

I am feeling OK. I over did it a little bit over the weekend. I was picking Eva up too much. I just wanted to and now I realize I need to cut that back and be more careful for the next week so that I can heal faster.

Justin is a saint, diligently trying to keep order and peace :).

upside down..

Sunday, March 28, 2010

A New Life

Well the baby is here and is 4 days old. She is wonderful! It is amazing to see how different Abby and Eva are already. I love it and I treasure how creative God is in creating each of us. How true it is that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Truly knit in our mothers womb with God's hands. Having gone through these two births I respect and value the way God has made me and am in awe of how he breathes life into each of us. I want so much to value other people more for the creation that they are, each of us handcrafted by God!

I think we are going to merge our blogs! Have one that is "Our girls". Not sure yet.

Eva is really trying to cope with the change. She is hyper-active and testing her boundaries, but as sweet as ever and so ready to be happy. She is trying to get attention by intentionally choking on water and I know that she has suddenly created a fake laugh and really honed her fake crying skills - she practices in the mirror... She is so sweet though. Always hoping to cuddle and be outside to distract herself. She is such a good girl and her independence is really paying off because she really is able to do so many things on her own and be a helper. She now has 4 freckles! I found a new one on her calf Friday :).

Justin is hanging in there. He is so happy, but his back has been extremely painful for him the past week or two and has gotten much worse the past few days with me not able to really help him. He is a good sport and always trying to go above and beyond the call of duty.

Abby is an easy baby. Always sleeping. Nurses for five minutes and then goes back to sleep. I am tired but have been getting more sleep than I could have hoped for.

Yesterday Abby started to really straighten out her legs for long periods of time. She is appropriately named! Shy has brought me so much Joy :). Even now she is just sleeping on me. Just hanging out. My milk came in quickly just like with Eva and nursing has been a breeze compared to last time. I even tried tandem nursing very cool but that is not in my future.

Eva wants Abby to be near her. She wanted to cuddle with her on the couch today. Will add pictures soon. I got to hold and cuddle both my girls and sing to them. Abby kept her eyes open the whole time and Eva giggled. I love having my girls!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Abby Joy has Arrived!

Abby Joy arrived Thursday at 12:24 PM. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and is 19 1/2 inches long.

The homebirth experience was euphoric! Everything childbirth should be like. This has been the most amazing experience. Thank you everyone who has been apart of it.

Our friend Maruchy watched Eva for the day.

The midwives -
Kickin' it old school. Boiling water to maintain temp of birth pool. You can see my mom in the background on the webcam! Hung out with us the entire time!
Jesika! The best friend a girl could ask for! Worked her tail off selflessly all day. Went home showered after the birth, came back with dinner and took care of Eva for us til bed.
This is me at 6 cm.

Abby's birthday party.
Eva immediately wanted to hold Abby. She held her for 10 minutes by herself and explored her new treasure.
Excited by all Abby's full head of hair.
Putting her hat back on.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Late For a Very Important Date

Well we are 2 days past the due date and waiting in excitement. For whatever reason I feel less anxious now than I did right before the due date. She will eventually arrive...right? Its feeling closer to the fullness of the time and I am looking forward to it.

I feel so proud of my tummy. I felt like showing Abby off today :). Here are some pictures of the three of us girls from today at the park.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Birthday Party

Eva had a birthday party this weekend. Her friend Chris turned 5! She went primarily to be a companion for Gabriella, but the two were set loose and were independent most of the time. I was so proud of Eva. She was not only independent but perfectly content despite being the littler kid. In the bounce house she jump just as good as the older kids (not quite as high) and wasn't phased when they would bump her. A couple moms at first told their kids to be careful of the baby, but they quickly took that back! She is no baby :).

Daddy's Are the Best!

Justin always has the best ideas! He made a tunnel with pillows and our comforter on top of the bed for Eva. She loves it when he does this. She grabs little things to bring in there and hide :).

Yesterday Justin had the idea of propping our hose in the fence in such a way that it sprayed continuously overhead for him and Eva to run in. I wanted to run too, but it was a little chilly for me and I wanted to get pictures :). Next time! Eva loved it. If you click on the pictures they get bigger.

Learning to Write

Eva is quickly losing interest in her crayons and wanting to write on pads with pens and pencils like we do :). check out how well she did on one her first try at making letters.

The letter "C"

Making a "V" in my letter "C"

She made the little "o"!

She did her "V" in crayon on the first try!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


Justin and Eva have been spending a lot more one-on-one time lately and Eva has really been enjoying it. He is such a great Daddy. His Daddy's girls are always going to be Daddy's girls. I know it.

Trying to gain momentum and swing on her own.

Eva eagerly anticipating Daddy to get off of work.