Abby is one week old today. Things have been going so fast. The first 4 days Abby was so peaceful and sleepy. She still is, but has had more awake times the past 3. Her cord fell off on day 5 so we have already been able to give her a bath on day 6 :). She had her first Doctor visit on Monday. They gave her the PKU test, which is a heel prick but apparently didn't do it right because they had to prick her other heel! I was so upset to see Abby upset that I cried. It was ridiculous. They tried to give her a hearing test but were unsuccessful because her ears are too small :). We have to try again at her two week appointment.
Weight: 6 lbs 7 oz
Length: 20 1/2 (which at the birth she was measured at 19 1/2) So she's 20 in, right?
Head: 13 1/2 in
Eva is trying so hard. Monday and Tuesday were really good days for her. She wants to be where Abby is and is always making sure she knows where she is. She Wanted to cuddle with her the other day and even checks up on her often just to look at her. She is acting out, but not too bad. Today was the first day that she seemed a little disgruntled :(. I can't wait til I am feeling better so that I can devote more play time with her that she needs.
I needed to measure Eva too. The past two weeks she has had a growth spurt. Almost all of her 24 month clothes looked obviously too small. She is a taller girl and I am going to break out the 2T cloths this week! She is growing into a sweeter and prettier girl everyday. She is more loving and playful all the time. By the way she is a perfect helper for mommy with Abby! Ready to please :).
Weight: 27 lbs
Length: 33 1/2 in.
Head: 19 in.
I am feeling OK. I over did it a little bit over the weekend. I was picking Eva up too much. I just wanted to and now I realize I need to cut that back and be more careful for the next week so that I can heal faster.
Justin is a saint, diligently trying to keep order and peace :).

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