Sunday, March 28, 2010

A New Life

Well the baby is here and is 4 days old. She is wonderful! It is amazing to see how different Abby and Eva are already. I love it and I treasure how creative God is in creating each of us. How true it is that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Truly knit in our mothers womb with God's hands. Having gone through these two births I respect and value the way God has made me and am in awe of how he breathes life into each of us. I want so much to value other people more for the creation that they are, each of us handcrafted by God!

I think we are going to merge our blogs! Have one that is "Our girls". Not sure yet.

Eva is really trying to cope with the change. She is hyper-active and testing her boundaries, but as sweet as ever and so ready to be happy. She is trying to get attention by intentionally choking on water and I know that she has suddenly created a fake laugh and really honed her fake crying skills - she practices in the mirror... She is so sweet though. Always hoping to cuddle and be outside to distract herself. She is such a good girl and her independence is really paying off because she really is able to do so many things on her own and be a helper. She now has 4 freckles! I found a new one on her calf Friday :).

Justin is hanging in there. He is so happy, but his back has been extremely painful for him the past week or two and has gotten much worse the past few days with me not able to really help him. He is a good sport and always trying to go above and beyond the call of duty.

Abby is an easy baby. Always sleeping. Nurses for five minutes and then goes back to sleep. I am tired but have been getting more sleep than I could have hoped for.

Yesterday Abby started to really straighten out her legs for long periods of time. She is appropriately named! Shy has brought me so much Joy :). Even now she is just sleeping on me. Just hanging out. My milk came in quickly just like with Eva and nursing has been a breeze compared to last time. I even tried tandem nursing very cool but that is not in my future.

Eva wants Abby to be near her. She wanted to cuddle with her on the couch today. Will add pictures soon. I got to hold and cuddle both my girls and sing to them. Abby kept her eyes open the whole time and Eva giggled. I love having my girls!

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