Abby Joy arrived Thursday at 12:24 PM. She was 6 lbs 8 oz and is 19 1/2 inches long.
The homebirth experience was euphoric! Everything childbirth should be like. This has been the most amazing experience. Thank you everyone who has been apart of it.
Our friend Maruchy watched Eva for the day.
The midwives -

Kickin' it old school. Boiling water to maintain temp of birth pool. You can see my mom in the background on the webcam! Hung out with us the entire time!

Jesika! The best friend a girl could ask for! Worked her tail off selflessly all day. Went home showered after the birth, came back with dinner and took care of Eva for us til bed.

This is me at 6 cm.

Abby's birthday party.

Eva immediately wanted to hold Abby. She held her for 10 minutes by herself and explored her new treasure.

Excited by all Abby's full head of hair.

Putting her hat back on.

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