Sunday, April 11, 2010


Eva has been growing so much physically and mentally. She has been talking so much. Yesterday I checked on her during her nap and she said, "I want twinkle high and cuddle in Mommy's bed too". She has been combining things and using the word "too" a lot. Also she can convey things that show that she conceptually understands so much! This morning Abby was fussy because of her tummy. Eva asked, "Whats wrong? Her tummy hurts?"

She is quite the little gymnast too. Yesterday she did a handstand! Last week she literally did a back bend. She loves to walk on the parking stumps and calls them "beams". She even jumps off the end for a dismount. She tried to a handspring, which was really just a handstand then she fell flag on her back, LoL. Sometimes she grabs Justin's hands and 'walks' up him, but the other day she kept walking up his body until she literally flipped back over onto her feet!

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