Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Today has been the polar opposite of yesterday. We have had a very blissful day. We went for a walk, played inside, played on the patio with chalk and bubbles and even painted Eva's finger and toenails as seen below. We also did some laundry and clean up. I taught Eva how to use the power sweeper today - Go me! Go Eva! The third day of potty training has been successful too! Tonight we will have our first outing in underwear. Wish us luck :).

Also Eva took a nap without sucking her thumb! I told her if she wanted me to paint her fingernails that she wouldn't be allowed to suck her thumb while they were painted and she wanted to go forward. So after the nail polish dried I put the "thum" stuff on her nails that tastes nasty. At nap time she was a little upset but I let her sleep with Pooh and Piglet, problem solved! Hopefully this will work at bed time :).

As Abby napped Eva kept wanting to see Abby. She would check on her frequently and update me on how she was. At one point she said, "Abby needs a couple toys." So she brought a couple to her (as seen in video). Also, when it was almost time to for Abby to wake up Eva wanted me to get her. She said, "Cuddle with Abby. I need to give her a hug." Reaching her arms out to receive her little sister :).

See Eva's toes and nails - so pretty!

Playing with chalk

What Abby looked like in my tummy :)

My sleeping queen! Such a wonderful baby, she is truly a joy - my Abby Joy

Eva wanted to be with Abby while she slept - lasted all of 10 seconds.


1 comment:

Bethany Rose said...

Enjoyed the videos and photos...
miss you guys.