Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Paint is Expensive, but People are Generous

So far we have been very blessed and we haven't had a ton of costs associated with the pregnancy aside from some snacks for food cravings, some prenatal vitamins and OB visits. But then this past weekend we bought the supplies to paint the baby's room -- $109! Somehow I don't think I'll feel any solace when the $10 rebate from Lowe's gets here, hopefully before the baby is born (stupid mail-in rebates take forever!) Since I know you are itching to know, here's the color:

And no, the color doesn't give anything away - we still don't know if the baby will be a boy or girl, we just like the color and figure we can make it work either way (pink goes with blue, right?)

However it is great to know that many of our friends and family also have had children and have useful items for the baby that they were willing to give us or let us borrow that will save us a lot of money (not to mention help get us prepared in time!) We have already received a bassinett, a car seat, a crib, a dresser with changing table, an electric breast pump (sorry guys), some clothes, some toys (including the baby's first teddy bear -- thanks Mom!) and other miscellaneous things. The best I can do now is show you some scattered pictures, since we have a lot of re-arranging (and painting!) to do before the baby's room is ready:

So thanks everyone, for your generosity and your prayers. Please pray for Aimee as she enters the second trimester officially, that her morning sickness will stop. From what I understand the second trimester is usually much better but some mothers have the morning sickness all 9 months, and that's no fun (for either of us!)

1 comment:

Chris Goeppner said...

how exciting! love and praying for you guys.