Monday, July 9, 2007

So Many Books... So Little Time!

As most of you who know us probably know, we like to be prepared. Heck, we got pre-engagement and pre-marital counseling, and took a financial class before we even got married. So now with a baby on the way, there is no shortage of information to take in before it gets here. So we are reading (and planning to read) several books: What to Expect When You Are Expecting, Along the Infant Way, The Happiest Baby on the Block, and To Train Up a Child are all on the current list of books that we know have good solid information in them. Between these four books it seems to cover just about every aspect of having a baby (at least until they are about a year old.)

We already took a class that went through "Along the Infant Way" which is about getting the baby on a schedule so it can sleep through the night, but we will need a refresher right before the baby is here (I told you we like to be prepared... we actually took that class even before we found out we were pregnant!) So now we are just trying to find the time to make it through all the books, as well as researching information about the birthing process, immunizations, circumcision, epidurals and all that stuff. I'm told there are a few other classes that we should take as well... Daddy Boot Camp, and a few at the hospital, like Infant CPR, which I hope I never need to use.

Thanks to all of our friends who are encouraging us and just letting us ask questions like crazy. We really appreciate your time and the information is really helpful with our decision making.


Anonymous said...

there is a really good book and I THINK We actually have it still about immunizations by the makers of the Hallalugia (Don't quote me on spelling ok??) diet stuff. I was on the fense about them until I read this book and what actually goes INTO (ABORTED BABIES??!!) making some of the seriums!
see ya guys soon
kiss lucky for eden

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Don't forget to read 'what to expect when your wife is expanding' :) It's a comical approach to what a future father should know!